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King Richard III Visitor Centre

Atracción | Leicester | Inglaterra | Reino Unido

El Centro de Visitantes King Richard III en Leicester es una atracción única que se enfoca en la vida y el legado de Richard III, uno de los reyes ingleses más conocidos. El centro fue construido para iluminar el contexto histórico de esta figura famosa y brindar a los visitantes una profunda comprensión de los eventos que llevaron a su muerte y moldearon su importancia histórica.

El centro de visitantes se dedica en particular al descubrimiento de los restos de Richard III, encontrados en Leicester en 2012. El hallazgo de los restos, descubiertos bajo un estacionamiento cerca de la Greyfriars Church, generó un gran interés a nivel mundial. La exposición en el centro destaca las excavaciones arqueológicas y las técnicas científicas que llevaron a la identificación del esqueleto. Una parte central de la exposición es la narración de la historia y las circunstancias sociales y políticas en la época de Ricardo III, que incluyen el trasfondo de su reinado y las luchas durante las Guerras de las Rosas.

La exposición interactiva guía a los visitantes a través de los momentos decisivos en la vida del rey y ofrece una perspectiva detallada de su personalidad y su legado. Se abordan tanto sus decisiones políticas como los mitos y leyendas que se han formado alrededor de su figura a lo largo de los siglos. Se presta especial atención a las diferentes interpretaciones de su reinado, que van desde un monarca cruel hasta un gobernante incomprendido.

El centro de visitantes utiliza tecnologías modernas como modelos en 3D, pantallas interactivas y reconstrucciones para ofrecer una representación visual y cautivadora de la vida y muerte de Ricardo. Además, se exploran en profundidad los aspectos políticos y militares de su época, incluyendo la famosa Batalla de Bosworth. Los visitantes tienen la oportunidad de aprender más sobre las circunstancias exactas de su muerte y la importancia política posterior para Inglaterra.

El centro no solo es un lugar de educación histórica, sino también un lugar de memoria que subraya la importancia de Richard III en la historia inglesa y su lugar en la memoria colectiva de la nación. Ofrece una mezcla de ciencia, historia y cultura que atrae tanto a los entusiastas de la historia como a los visitantes que desean aprender más sobre esta fascinante época.

Datos de contacto



4A St Martins
LE1 5DB Leicester

Vista de mapa


Domingo10:00 - 16:00
Lunes10:00 - 16:00
Martes10:00 - 16:00
Miércoles10:00 - 16:00
Jueves10:00 - 16:00
Viernes10:00 - 16:00
Sábado10:00 - 17:00


1888 Reseñas

Yoon-Kit Yong

Two amazing stories
Marius Cristian

Nimic de văzut prea scump pentru o plimbare de 5 minute în muzeu Nu se merită

Visited on Monday and arrived just after opening, it wasn't too busy then. Lots of information displayed around the walls, mostly not about Richard's reign, more about before he became king. The centre doesn't have many actual objects as such, relying more on virtual tech stuff, videos etc , so not like a traditional museum. This, I would imagine, appeals to children or those not willing to read the pages of information available. Upstairs, I personally think that Richard's suit of armour would be better presented in its original colours, silver and gilt, sooner than spray painted white like a Star Wars storm trooper! There is indeed reference downstairs as to how splendid he must have looked in battle armour, not a white suit! The cafe is reasonably priced and wasn't too busy after 1 o'clock, the staff were very friendly and welcoming. One disappointment was the empty glass display case with a card saying that its contents were on display in the Cathedral. On enquiry there we were told the replica crown was in storage in the back! As the entrance ticket is valid for a year we will most probably re visit in the summer, this opportunity for re visit does in my view make the admission price for such a visitor attraction reasonable, we do however live in Leicestershire, making this possible.
Mark Godson

Excellent place that explains the Wars of the Roses and King Richard III's part in it, and his death, with a good level of detail but that is also clear to follow. Good use of multimedia too. Well worth the entry fee.
Aubrey Marshall

It's OK, if you're really into history it's worth a look but it's quite overpriced for what it is and the crowds can really take away from the experience. Even as a big history enthusiast I probably wouldn't bother coming back
john payne

Well worth a visit
Andy Forknall

Great day out

Very wordy. The Wars of the Roses (Cousins' War) are so complex that the very detailed panels were over the top. A brief reference to the difficulties and on with the story of the battle of Bosworth, Richard himself and the fascinating story of his burial and rediscovery would have been more engaging - and you do have to engage. Much better upstairs. Not really for children.
Jonathan whitehead

A must see museum, it's what leicester is famous for
Yi Lin Lai (Eileen)

Never thought I will like it as much. Lovely timeline at the start to get your head around the different battles and people involved. Definitely wouldn't be a place for kids as there are lots of reading and history involved (might benefit from making it child friendly to a certain extent). Really cool to see the burial site where they found the body. Really friendly staff and amazing gift store. Tickets also give you unlimited entry for a year.
Alex Dickson

Well worth a visit. Visually engaging with very knowledgeable and helpful guides. Lots to see and yes even a hole dug in a carpark can be fascinating 🤣
Rodney V Harpham

Very interesting, and the staff were very knowledgeable, enjoyed the experience, I would say a must.
Jenny Bowley

So much history to take in. As our tickets are valid for a year, we went back the next day again.

My parents and I enjoyed this museum very much. It's well laid out and you can learn a lot about what was a particularly interesting period in English history. The staff were friendly and in particular I'd like to mention Ranjit who was really helpful in offering me advice regarding nearby parking. Thank you to all the staff and people who have put a lot of effort into making this visitor centre such a great place to visit.
Diane Hughes

Loved it
Greg Windsor

Well for me coming from a country where our oldest building was built in 1822, it is easy for me to be blown away and have a sense of being overwhelmed by the history of everything in England. As a Ricardian it was easy for me to spend around a couple of hours in the museum. The staff were wonderful, and there were a few people on hand to answer any question one might have as you walk through the museum. I especially enjoyed the time lapse presentation they had which gives a good idea of how the body of Richard III became lost to time.
Alan Murtha

The jewel in the crown. We visited the King Richard 111 visitors centre today. What a great experience, while the majority of the exhibits were static, these were brought to life by the young lad in a wheelchair. He was able to give a clear explanation of each exhibit. While this lad was the jewel in the crown, all of the staff that we had contact with were warm and friendly. Thanks.
Jon Marshall

Excellent. Long live the King. He was no tyrant I'm convinced he was very loved. He is also no murderer. The princes lived abroad and even attacked England for the crown but failed.


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